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Book of the Week "A Walk in Spirituality

Author Gloria Mullons By: Mykaela Moore

Spirituality is a part of life’s foundations. As we embark on various moments in our day to day lives, mental and emotional awareness are key to navigating life’s trials and triumphs. Gloria Mullons is the owner of Kukua Press Books and published author of “My Awakening at 26” and “Goodbye Late 20s”. Yet, even with these accomplishments, Ms. Mullons decided to give her audiences a deeper look into her personal awakenings in an effort to help and uplift others using her own perspective. Born out of this desire to help others was her most recent book, “God in Gloria: A Walk in Spirituality.”

I had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Mullons about her experience with writing about spirituality and why this is so important for readers.

MM: The title itself, God in Gloria: A Walk in Spirituality offers such an intimate feel to your story, what prompted you to share your personal journey with a public audience?

I’ve set a goal to publish a book every three years, I decided to focus on fictional pieces and became stuck within the process of publishing. The content never came and the flow to write never came; this was at a pivotal moment in time because I was nearing the end of my PhD studies and self-publishing books brought great solace and calm to my being. Writer’s block continued and the more I’d pondered the question: “what do I know?” I began to sit with that question in silence.

Within that silence, the reflections about my life led me to thinking about the 13 years spent pursuing higher education, including the the joys and the pitfalls. So the next question that appeared in my mind was “what have I learned?” Shortly after that “aha” moment surfaced, the chapter titles began to flow and so did the content based on the lessons I have learned while living life in my thirties. I’m a natural giver and helper and I wanted to share my raw experiences in hopes that it would inspire and heal others.

MM: What was the writing process like as you dove into your personal experiences and life changing moments?

It was old school pencil and paper. In fact, a key ingredient to the writing process involves using a pencil and notebook at first and once the project is written out halfway or complete then I start my process of typing everything on the computer. It was helpful for me to keep a notebook on hand for me to prepare for pivotal writing moments. I also created an outline in addition to electronic notes which enabled me to e-mail them to myself for later use. A few years into writing this book, I became blocked and stop writing which allowed me to focus on other things. Eventually the flow came back along with content in 2016 and it took an additional two years to complete and release in 2018.

MM: In writing God in Gloria: A Walk in Spirituality, Did you experience new awakenings that you had not given extra thought to? In addition, how did you create your chapter placement to fit within the various stages that one would encounter through one’s lifetime?

I began to explore ideas and revelations about my health from a metaphysical stance in addition to the importance of healthy finances and romantic relationships. In terms of the chapters, I literally reflected on my life and the lessons learned as far back as I could recall. My intention was to be chronological and at the same time tell my story.

MM: What was the importance of applying real world scenarios from your life to the lessons that you address in the book?

As an African American/Sierra Leone/Black Woman I felt compelled to share from an authentic place within me as life was happening for me. I wanted to connect with the readers on a deeper level by sharing my experiences and documenting it as a way to engage them with further discussion and reflection about these topics.

MM: How has discovering your spirituality impacted you at this stage in your life?

Spirituality causes me to pause and have constant reflection on who I am and how I can continue to operate in a way that is pleasing to my spiritual and soul needs. It is also accepting and knowing that all that I need and require is already within me. I am sufficient. I have also learned that there is a greater purpose for my life; I’m constantly crafting and living.

MM: What is the main takeaway that you would want your readers to grasp as they read your book and reflect on their own life’s journey?

“Your soul is always guiding you toward the greatest good for your life”

MM: Will you continue to dive further into your journey of spirituality (from different perspectives) in other writings?

Absolutely! I would like this for this book to become the beginning of a series that I can continue to add to over time or based upon ongoing life situations.

MM: I would personally like to thank Ms. Gloria Mullons for taking the time out to speak with me. I appreciate you for sharing your story and being an advocate of self-awareness and self-love. There is a need for thoughtful exploration of self, spirituality, and purpose as we navigate through life. I wish you nothing but blessings and success as you continue to walk within your purpose.

More about Author Gloria Mullons

Gloria Mullons is the owner of Kukua Press Books. A prolific writer, she is the author of “My Awakening at 26” and “Goodbye Late 20s,”both are compilations of her poetry. Mullons earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Blackburn College, a Master of urban planning & policy with a concentration in community development from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Community Psychology with a focus on the Digital Divide. Mullons has enjoyed an extensive career working with various community agencies and government organizations, including Family Focus, the Bureau of Community Development, and the County Board of Commissioners in Chicago, Illinois.

Currently, she serves as the Community Outreach Assistant for the Chicago Black Girls Code Chapter and she is a Manager and Benefits Specialist Trainer at a Federally Qualified Health Center: Access Community Health Network in Chicago, Illinois.